Wednesday, July 18, 2007

an invitation for heather plus yoga

Last night, I went to the new class they have in the dance room at my dads called Triad Yoga. I was the only girl my age there. There was an old man who got really into the breathing and a couple of 20 year olds. But all in all, there were eight people all spread out on either side of the room. And the teacher was on the end, overloooking us all. I appreciated the setup. Anyways, I can't explain the whole class to you, but Danielle Brabenders mom is opening her yoga studio on July 28th, and the first 100 guests get free discounts/memberships/classes/t shirts/etc. I'm going, and I will become a regular member of her yoga classes. Feel free to join me on ths escapade.

And, Heather Leith, I couldn't think of any other way to ask you this, but people can sing at the OC Fair, talented people like you and me(: And so I was wondering if you would like to sing with me at the OC Fair? We can be a duo. But first I have to book it and figure out what date or dates to do it, and when we are both free. Does that sound like a fun plan or what?
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Maddie! said...
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Anonymous said...

i would looove to accompany you in your Yoga escapade.

danya genevieve said...

yesss. then you shall

Heather Leith said...

i would like to accompany you in your Yoga journey as well.

i would also like to sing at le OC fair with you. what genre are you supposed to do? like, cheesy? or like, ballad?

danya genevieve said...

haha, well we can sing whatever we want. fair songs came to mind? except any one can have their own view of what fair songs are.

Heather Leith said...

hahaha what if we sang loathing/what is this feeling?

except people would come to our little stage and be bizarred out of their minds by our song, if they had not seen wicked.

danya genevieve said...

AHAHA! that is but a genius idea heather. except people would be bizarred.

or what if we tried to be cool and sang like hardcore heavy metal